Friday, 27 September 2013

Write in Blue Text on facebook .

This is one of the coolest Facebook tricks because it not only makes your status update change color, but it also turns it into a link where does the link lead you ask? It leads to the profile page of the person who clicked it, so you can actually troll your friends with this trick.

Write the following line in your status update:
@@[one:[zero:one: write here ]]

Replace the write here text with any text you wish to become blue. & word one and zero with numeric 1 & 0.You can add more text before or after the code, to make this look even cooler.
Post the Facebook status or post it in comment .


Copy-Paste the Below Code in your Status Bar or comment box.

@@[0:[553116574730324:1:WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE]] @[553116574730324:]

Replace "WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE" by your Own Text

Posting status by above method you will tag you status with Tricks-Geek FB page. For tagging your own page or any facebook user id replace 553116574730324 with your FB id

OR you can simply write in blue text by
Copy-Paste the Below Code in your STATUS Bar

@@[1:[0:1: WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE ]]

Replace "WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE" by your Own Text
This time on clicking on blue color you will redirected to your own fb profile.

For Making "See More" link on Facebook

Copy-Paste te below text

@[Your facebook User id :0] @@[0:[Your facebook User id :1:Text See More]]


HOW to write FB status in blue color described by @[553116574730324:0] here below
...@@[0:[553116574730324:1:See More]]


How to get Facebook uses id code
Its very simple go to below link

Replace "yourname" with your User name (
You will get id code such as
   "id": "553116574730324",

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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Secret Codes for Android .

1. Phone Information, Usage and Battery – *#*#4636#*#*
2. IMEI Number – *#06#
3. Enter Service Menu On Newer Phones – *#0*#
4. Detailed Camera Information – *#*#34971539#*#*
5. Backup All Media Files – *#*#273282*255*663282*#*#*
6. Wireless LAN Test – *#*#232339#*#*
7. Enable Test Mode for Service – *#*#197328640#*#*
8. Back-light Test – *#*#0842#*#*
9. Test the Touchscreen – *#*#2664#*#*
10. Vibration Test – *#*#0842#*#*
11. FTA Software Version – *#*#1111#*#*
12. Complete Software and Hardware Info – *#12580*369#
13. Diagnostic Configuration – *#9090#
14. USB Logging Control – *#872564#
15. System Dump Mode – *#9900#
16. HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu – *#301279#
17. View Phone Lock Status – *#7465625#
18. Reset the Data Partition to Factory State – *#*#7780#*#*
19. Format Your Device To Factory State(will delete everything on your phone) – *2767*3855#
20. Hidden Service Menu For Motorola Droid – ##7764726

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Sunday, 22 September 2013

Protect your files : No Application required . (Note :- This trick is only for Android Enabled Smartphones)

By this trick, you can hide files without use of any application. You can hide media files likeSongs/Recordings(Mp3, wav...), Videos(mp4, 3gp, avi , etc), Images(jpeg, jpg, gif, png...)etc. in your Android Device. This will also helpful to you to protect your private & secret files.

For this trick, you will need a file. ".nomedia" is a file, which is used to hide such media in Android phone. 
A ".nomedia" file is a blank file, placed inside a folder. When the Android media scanner detects the .nomedia file in any folder, Android media scanner does not scan media files(sound, video & image) from that folder. So the images, songs or videos in that folder don't appear in the Gallery or Video/Music player. 

Follow these steps to hide & protect media files:
First of all create a .nomedia file .

Default applications in Android like Photo Gallery, Android MP3 Player, Android Video Playerwill display all the photos, songs & videos. But if you add ".nomedia" file in a folder, the content of that folder will be hidden from the Gallery/Player.
".nomedia" is a simple blank file to hide pictures, songs & videos in Android based phone/tablet. 
".nomedia" file will let you to Hide media files without installing any other application.
So start hiding your personal, private or confidential media files in your Android phone without any application by just creating a ".nomedia" file.

Here are two simple methods to create a .nomedia file :
Method - 1
(Direct Copy this file from another pre-installed Application in your phone.) 
Open "File Manager" in your Android phone that you have installed. 
Go to any application folder like Call Recorder, photo editor or other application folder that may contain unnecessary media files. Or simply go to ../sdcard/Andriod/data/.   
In this folder, there will be a ".nomedia" file. Copy this ".nomedia" file.   
Then create a new folder or open your any media folder, to paste ".nomedia" file in that folder where you want to hide your private/important media files.
(Create file by Notepad in your PC.) 
 In your Windows OS, go to Start Menu » All Files » Accessories » Notepad to open notepad.
After opening notepad file, don't write anything in that file. Just leave it totally blank, not even any space or symbol.  
 Then in notepad Menu-bar, go to "Save As" option.  
 In Save as Dialog Box at bottom, select "All files (*.*)" 
 To give a name for this file, type .nomedia and click on Save.
 Your ".nomedia" file is ready and copy this file into your phone.
Created .nomedia must be blank in thumbnail view as shown in above image.

You can download ".nomedia" from a link here given at below :-
Direct Download link (.nomedia file) 

Open file manager in your Android. Create a new folder or go to your created folder.

Paste your Private Images, Videos, Songs, Call recordings, Recordings etc. in that folder. Means, paste those files in the folder, to which you don't want to display in your gallery.

Paste .nomedia file in that folder.

Done!! Those media files will not appear in Gallery, Music Library or Video Player.

Here, such media files are not encrypted or converted in other formats. They are just skipped from scanning by Android. If you use any other kind of "Media Hiding Apps", those apps will encrypt/convert media files & we can't open them directly. 

But files, hidden by this trick, will always appears and can be opened in your file manager and other systems. To overcome this problem, place the folder in some other folders with different name.  This will be also one kind of hiding & protecting trick.

NOTE :- 
If you remove .nomedia file from the folder, those files will be appeared in Gallery or Music/Video player.
Such hidden files will still appear in File Manager and in PC. Those files will be hidden only in Android Gallery & Music Players.
IMP : (You cannot hide files like Text file, Documents, Pdf, .apk, etc. by this trick)

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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

How to protect your pendrive with password ?

We all know the importance of USB stick. It is the one of the easiest way to share or transfer your files, data between computers. But what if your pen-drive having some secret data or having files which you don't  want to get checked by any other person. 

For these types of situations you need to lock your pen-drive with password. On internet lots of paid as well as free software available to secure your pen-drive. But today I'm going to explain you that how you can password protect your pen-drive without any software.

Procedure To Password Protect (Only for Windows 7 & Windows 8)
1) Insert your USB drive to computer .
2) Click on Start .
3) In Search programs and files box, type Bitlocker Drive Encryption .
4) Now click it to open. You will find your pen-drive in last and click on Turn on Bitlocker.

    5) Select password  to unlock your usb/pendrive .
    6) Type your desired password .

      7) Click Next .
      8) Choose save the recovery key to a file .
      9) You can also print recovery key .

        10) Choose the safe destination for recovery key because in case you forgot your password it will help you to unlock your USB .

        11) And then tap Next .
        12) Then click on Start Encrypting .

          It may take a few minutes in Encrypting depending upon size of pen-drive.
          You can check it by removing and again re-inserting the pen drive.The System will ask you to enter the password to access the data. 

          Now your all data remains safe. Also in case your pen drive is lost or gets stolen then also no one can use it without password. 

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            Friday, 13 September 2013

            How to post or update your Facebook status via iPhone 7 , iPhone 6 , iPhone 6 Plus , Apple Watch , Samsung Galaxy S5 , Sony Xperia Z3 or any Smartphone of your choice ???

            This is a 100% working trick by which you can amaze your friends by updating your Facebook status via iPhone 7 , iPhone 6 , Android Lollipop , BlackBerry Q10 or by any other branded, expensive cellphone.
            You might have seen whenever you update your Facebook status with any mobile phone, Facebook  always mention your device name generally "via mobile". Like that if you post something on Facebook from iPhone then it will show as via iPhone, for that just you have to purchase iPhone. But here you no need to buy any expensive mobile phone all you have to do just log in in your Facebook account  click on your favorite phone model listed below and simply update your status enjoy.

            Note :- All new devices are added , you can request for more in comments .

            Remember :- Click on any device mentioned here , a page will appear just to verify that you are not a robot , Click on continue and you will get your status update link .
            e.g. Click on Hacking Frontier link , A page will open , click on Continue , then it will redirect to your main status updating page .


                  via Hacking Frontier (Newly Added)

            via hTC Sensation     via hTC Sense             

            via iPod Nano     via Macbook     

            via Samsung Galaxy S4         

            For more smartphones , you can write in the comments box .

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