Tuesday, 17 September 2013

How to protect your pendrive with password ?

We all know the importance of USB stick. It is the one of the easiest way to share or transfer your files, data between computers. But what if your pen-drive having some secret data or having files which you don't  want to get checked by any other person. 

For these types of situations you need to lock your pen-drive with password. On internet lots of paid as well as free software available to secure your pen-drive. But today I'm going to explain you that how you can password protect your pen-drive without any software.

Procedure To Password Protect (Only for Windows 7 & Windows 8)
1) Insert your USB drive to computer .
2) Click on Start .
3) In Search programs and files box, type Bitlocker Drive Encryption .
4) Now click it to open. You will find your pen-drive in last and click on Turn on Bitlocker.

    5) Select password  to unlock your usb/pendrive .
    6) Type your desired password .

      7) Click Next .
      8) Choose save the recovery key to a file .
      9) You can also print recovery key .

        10) Choose the safe destination for recovery key because in case you forgot your password it will help you to unlock your USB .

        11) And then tap Next .
        12) Then click on Start Encrypting .

          It may take a few minutes in Encrypting depending upon size of pen-drive.
          You can check it by removing and again re-inserting the pen drive.The System will ask you to enter the password to access the data. 

          Now your all data remains safe. Also in case your pen drive is lost or gets stolen then also no one can use it without password. 

          Thank you ...

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