Write in Blue Text on facebook .
This is one of the coolest Facebook tricks because it not only makes your status update change color, but it also turns it into a link where does the link lead you ask? It leads to the profile page of the person who clicked it, so you can actually troll your friends with this trick.
Write the following line in your status update:
@@[one:[zero:one: write here ]]
Replace the write here text with any text you wish to become blue. & word one and zero with numeric 1 & 0.You can add more text before or after the code, to make this look even cooler.
Post the Facebook status or post it in comment .
Copy-Paste the Below Code in your Status Bar or comment box.
@@[0:[553116574730324:1:WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE]] @[553116574730324:]
Replace "WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE" by your Own Text
Posting status by above method you will tag you status with Tricks-Geek FB page. For tagging your own page or any facebook user id replace 553116574730324 with your FB id
OR you can simply write in blue text by
Copy-Paste the Below Code in your STATUS Bar
@@[1:[0:1: WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE ]]
Replace "WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE" by your Own Text
This time on clicking on blue color you will redirected to your own fb profile.
For Making "See More" link on Facebook
Copy-Paste te below text
@[Your facebook User id :0] @@[0:[Your facebook User id :1:Text See More]]
HOW to write FB status in blue color described by @[553116574730324:0] here below
...@@[0:[553116574730324:1:See More]]
How to get Facebook uses id code
Its very simple go to below link
Replace "yourname" with your User name (http://www.facebook.com/Username)
You will get id code such as
"id": "553116574730324",
Thank you ...
If you liked it then please take 3 seconds and share it with your friends .
Write the following line in your status update:
@@[one:[zero:one: write here ]]
Replace the write here text with any text you wish to become blue. & word one and zero with numeric 1 & 0.You can add more text before or after the code, to make this look even cooler.
Post the Facebook status or post it in comment .
Copy-Paste the Below Code in your Status Bar or comment box.
@@[0:[553116574730324:1:WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE]] @[553116574730324:]
Replace "WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE" by your Own Text
Posting status by above method you will tag you status with Tricks-Geek FB page. For tagging your own page or any facebook user id replace 553116574730324 with your FB id
OR you can simply write in blue text by
Copy-Paste the Below Code in your STATUS Bar
@@[1:[0:1: WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE ]]
Replace "WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE" by your Own Text
This time on clicking on blue color you will redirected to your own fb profile.
For Making "See More" link on Facebook
Copy-Paste te below text
@[Your facebook User id :0] @@[0:[Your facebook User id :1:Text See More]]
HOW to write FB status in blue color described by @[553116574730324:0] here below
...@@[0:[553116574730324:1:See More]]
How to get Facebook uses id code
Its very simple go to below link
Replace "yourname" with your User name (http://www.facebook.com/Username)
You will get id code such as
"id": "553116574730324",
Thank you ...
If you liked it then please take 3 seconds and share it with your friends .
Labels: facebook, facebook tricks, How to write continue reading on facebook, How to write in Blue Text on facebook, Jagdeep, Jagdeep Gill, Jagdeep Gill Production, Jagdeep-Gill, Tricks, Tricks Geek
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