Make Windows 7 Genuine Using Command Prompt .
First of all You need to Open Command Prompt as an Administrator.To Open it as an Administrator Type cmd in Start-menu and then Right Click on the Cmd and Select Run as Administrator .
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Now Type the Command SLMGR -REARM in cmd .
Press Enter and Wait For Few Seconds .
Next a Message Dialog Box Will open Specifying Command ‘ Completed Successfully . Please Restart the system for the Changes to Take effect .
Restart Your Computer and You are all done.Now You are Free of the Error "Windows 7 is Not Genuine" .
Note - You Must Run Command Prompt as an Administrator Else this method will not work .
Windows 7 Genuine with (WAT Removal Tool) – Removing Windows 7 Activation Timer to Use it as Genuine .
It is the easiest way to crack the windows and use it as genuine .
WAT removal tool is an application to remove the Windows 7 activation countdown timer thus making the trial version genuine forever. It is the easiest way to hack Windows 7 and especially useful for PCs/Laptops in which windows 7 cannot be activated by any other available method (Loader, vldr, PARADOX, StopTimer crack etc). This is the case with laptops and PCs with some specific newer BIOSes (for example my Dell laptop which has Insyde H2O BIOS). Hell! I tried every possible method to get Windows 7 Ultimate activated on it but failed. Interestingly every method run fine and displays message of “Operation Successful, Restart System”. But after restart Windows Activation Status still shows “xx days left to activate”. However this application “WAT remover” solved this problem completely. Simply speaking it removes the “Windows activation time” from PC and thus your Windows 7 installation remain genuine forever. No activation countdowns, no “This copy of Windows is not genuine” watermark and no irritating “Activate Windows now” balloon notifications.
So to get freedom from activation, download here (zip) and extract the WAT Remover app
Run the app as Administrator (right click on it and select “Run as administrator”)
Click “Remove WAT”
Confirm when asked
Wait for the process and confirm restart
And done, simple!!
And done, simple!!
To confirm that “WAT” is removed, right click on “My Computer” and select “Properties”. If the process was successful there will not be any “Windows Activation Status” column as earlier. This method works for all Windows 7 versions (Basic, Premium, Ultimate). I am not sure whether it will work for Windows Vista too. Interestingly this app can also restore the removed “Windows Activation Time” later on if required.
DO NOT update Windows after WAT removal (by default Windows update is set as “Automatic”, change this option to “Never”), as it may reverse the process. Also if Windows somehow again starts to show as non-genuine and prompt for registration at start up, then run the above tool again and restore WAT – restart computer – run WAT removal tool one more time and again remove WAT and bingo! Windows is genuine again. You may repeat the process as many times as required in the future.Thank you ...
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Labels: How to make windows 7 genuine with cmd, How to make windows 7 genuine with WAT Removal Tool, Jagdeep, Jagdeep Gill, Jagdeep Gill Production, Jagdeep-Gill, PC Tricks, Tricks, Tricks Geek, Windows Tricks
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