How To Enable Comment Reply Option on your Facebook Profile ???
Facebook Just Introduced Reply option for New - Zealand Facebook Users =D You Can Also use get it with proxy .
Requirements :- Google Chrome , an internet connection .
So lets start with the trick :-
1) Open Google Chrome .
2) Open and login through your facebook ID .
3) Now Right click anywhere and click on inspect element .
4) Now Click the Setting [gear] .
5) Now " Click Overrides "
Check/Enable “Override Geolocation”.
Type/Copy those number in the boxes : Lat = -41.289996 Lon = 174.781555
Close setting window and Keep the inspect element window open .
6) Now Click " Check in " .
7) Don't click post , just open a new tab and open and now you can make a post :-) .
EnJoY :-)
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Requirements :- Google Chrome , an internet connection .
So lets start with the trick :-
1) Open Google Chrome .
2) Open and login through your facebook ID .
3) Now Right click anywhere and click on inspect element .
4) Now Click the Setting [gear] .
5) Now " Click Overrides "
Check/Enable “Override Geolocation”.
Type/Copy those number in the boxes : Lat = -41.289996 Lon = 174.781555
Close setting window and Keep the inspect element window open .
6) Now Click " Check in " .
7) Don't click post , just open a new tab and open and now you can make a post :-) .
EnJoY :-)
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Labels: Android Tricks, facebook, facebook tricks, How To Enable Comment Reply Option on your Facebook Profile ???, Jagdeep, Jagdeep Gill, Jagdeep Gill Production, Jagdeep-Gill, PC Tricks, Tricks, Tricks Geek, WhatsApp Tricks
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